Our Mission
We invite you to a better life.
Our Vision
Bridges of Iowa graduates will live free from substance abuse and criminality, become contributing members of their families and society, and continue to explore and to develop their individual faith.
Our Values
Faith, Hope, and Love, Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance.
Brief History
In 1999, Don and Charlene Lamberti founded Bridges of Iowa to help those struggling with drugs and alcohol addiction. They understood first-hand about how addiction affects families: Their son, Anthony, struggled with substance abuse for several years and eventually went to prison for drug-related crimes. While incarcerated, Anthony began his own recovery journey and urged his parents to start Bridges to help others who didn’t have the resources to access treatment. More than two decades later, Bridges of Iowa has saved thousands of lives with a long-term program that helps clients get clean, tackle their demons, improve emotional and physical health, repair broken relationships with families and friends, secure employment and lead fulfilling productive lives.
Bridges of Iowa, Inc. is a registered 501 (c)(3) organization. We collaborate with Polk County and the Polk County Sheriff in our shared goal of reducing recidivism in our community and successfully help those affected by substance use disorders. Our community based program takes a long view of helping those who have spent years in throes of addiction recover, rebuild and reconnect.
Community Partners

Prairie Meadows Casino, Racetrack and Hotel

Broadlawns Medical Center
- supplies medical detoxification services for our clients
- provides our Medical Director and
- our medical services.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Furnishes our clients with opportunities
- Financial Literacy classes
- Job readiness education
- Healthy Family program
- Healthy Relationships.

United Way
provides fundraising support to charitable organizations.

Food Bank of Iowa
Provides food at a greatly reduced cost as well as free paper supplies.

Provides the opportunity to learn about the needs and opportunities of our community and offer support.

EMC Insurance
As an elected official, I have seen Bridges of Iowa consistently provide an innovative continuum of care to Iowans who are overcoming addiction. As an Iowan, I see the challenges our communities face with substance abuse and most recently the opioid crisis. Without the work of organizations such as Bridges, those in recovery would be at increased risk for relapse and jail recidivism. By focusing on long-term recovery and community integration, Bridges of Iowa has helped people rebuild themselves as productive members of our community.